Statistics represent the reality and needs of a significant part of our society.
In the World
In the World
In the World
According to the United Nations (UN)
The world population is 7 billion people.
More than one billion have some disability.
More than 100 million people with disabilities in the world are children.
80% of people with disabilities live in developing countries.
According to the INEGI 2020 Population and Housing Census, in Mexico there are 20 million 838 thousand 108 people with disabilities.
People with disabilities are 16.5% of the total population.
There is a close relationship between disability and the demographic aging process.
Almost half of people with disabilities (47.3%) are older adults.
33.8 percent of the population over 12 years of age with disabilities was discriminated against.
Men with disabilities were the ones who experienced the most discrimination: 55.9% versus 44.5% of women.
5.3% of the population over 18 years of age was discriminated against for having a disability.
1 in 3 people was a victim of discrimination by the government, by one of the levels of government or by lack of access to rights.